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  • Mon – Fri 9.00 am – 6.00 pm

Terms of use


1. Hi, we’re Envato. We’ve met before over at Envato Market Terms. It’s good to meet you again and we’re really glad you’re keen on becoming an author with us.

2. Imagine creating what you want, when you want, from the comfort of your own home, making passive income whether you’re working or not. Some of our authors sell stock in their free time as a hobby, some do it to get their name out there, and some are able to make it their full time profession.

3. Becoming an author is easy and if you’ve reached this point then you’re already a member and you’ve accepted our Envato Market Terms. These additional terms for authors (‘Author Terms’) are an extra part of the Envato Market Terms that apply specifically to authors on the Envato Market. You’ll need to agree to them before you can become an author. These govern the relationships, rights and obligations of authors to us and buyers using Envato Market. You agree to put your items on Envato Market and make them available to buyers on the basis stated in the Envato Market Terms and these Author Terms.

As an author on the Envato Market you have responsibilities to us and buyers of your items. Please take the time to review these Author Terms carefully.

4. When we say ‘you’ in these Author Terms we are referring to you, the author. All other words defined or explained in the Envato Market Terms have the same meaning here. If there’s any inconsistency between what we say in these Author Terms and what is in the Envato Market Terms, what we say in these Author Terms prevails.

5. Read on for details about your author responsibilities, the process of selling your items on the Envato Market and how you can earn money with us.

Becoming an author

6. Becoming an author is free: Becoming an author and putting your items up on the Envato Market is free but there is a review process before your items go live. There are a few things you promise in exchange for the right to be an author, which are outlined in these Author Terms.

7. Process to become an author: There are easy steps you follow to sign up as an author, which are outlined on the Envato Market Become an Author guide. There you’ll find instructions and resources that will help you get started. You’ll also find information about payment, submission requirements and other important information about being an author on our Author Guide page.

How selling your items works

8. What you're providing:

  1. License: When you ‘sell’ an item, you’re making your item available to buyers and downloaders to use that item under certain conditions; you’re not actually selling the item itself. What you’re selling includes a license directly to the buyer or downloader to use that item under the relevant license options that we set.

    For the different types of licenses and detail about what rights you are licensing see our licensing page. Take a moment to understand how your work will be licensed!

  2. Item support: You can choose whether or not to support certain items. If you choose to support an item, this will be identified on the item page. All supported items include a support period. Buyers can buy support extensions on these items.

    To understand item support, like what items are covered, what you agree to provide buyers, the support period and support extension options, see the item support policy page.

9. The total price for an item on Envato Market is made up of:

  1. Item price: The item price is made up of a license fee (for the license chosen for the item), and if relevant the item support fee (for supported items).
  2. Buyer fee: This is the fee buyers pay Envato for the buyer services we provide buyers.
  3. Handling fee: In some transactions the total price may include a handling fee.
  4. Taxes: Some transactions may be subject to tax that may be added to the list price or handling fee.

    The list price is made up of the item price and buyer fee, and is the price on an item page.. See Envato Market Terms for information about all the parts of the total price.

10. Exclusivity: When you become an author, you can choose to make your items available exclusively on the Envato Market or have the option of selling your items elsewhere. As we explain next, the percentage of revenue you receive from each sale of your item will vary depending on your choice. You can change your exclusivity status which will affect the percentage of revenue you get after you change your status.

11. Your earnings; author fee: When your item is sold on Envato Market, you will earn the item price component of the list price less an author fee that we charge. The author fee is what you are charged by Envato for use of our platform and services as an author. The author fee is determined by whether you are selling the item only on Envato Market exclusively and by the aggregate value of list price sales you’ve had in the past. The author fee you pay to us is set out in the rates schedule that we can change at our discretion, from time to time. Any changes to these rates will take effect on and from the date on which notice of the variation is posted by us on Envato Market.

12. Setting the prices of items: We set the prices of items in some categories on Envato Market. We know how valuable your creations are to you and so we endeavour to make the prices we set for your items fair and in line with the going market rate. Even so, you acknowledge and agree that we have absolute control over the pricing of Envato Market items in categories where we set the prices. There are some categories known as 'author-driven pricing categories' where authors set the prices for their items. If you sell items in an author-driven pricing category, you must make all pricing decisions independently. This means that discussions about your pricing decisions are not permitted under any circumstances.

13. Review: When you think you’ve created an item suitable for Envato Market, you can submit that item to us to check the quality and whether it contains adequate information for buyers. We have rules about what we accept and don’t accept and you can read up on these in our author-related Envato Market information. Although we always like to provide constructive feedback we’re not obliged to give you any reasons for rejecting your item. We have the final say on whether items are accepted for Envato Market.

14. No Variation: You are not permitted to vary these terms (or our Envato Market Terms) as they apply between you and buyers, or to offer your items on different terms or with additional terms (for example, through your item description pages). Any different or additional terms that you try to impose on Envato Market on your items will have no effect against buyers or Envato.

民居邮票十二生肖邮票中国邮票奥运邮票邮票收藏价格表邮票市场邮票互动网邮票收藏邮票价格纪念邮票作品主要讲述了覃淋,梁珂,李梦夕侦破一件件案件的故事踏遍十万星河寻觅,奈何六道轮回无你;开创太平盛世,而今仍是一人前行;散去无尽雷霆,却再未听闻你的声音;湮灭诸天狂风,却难感受你的呼吸;破开虚无混沌,但求凝视你的眼睛......可你在哪?你究竟在哪!来到历史世界的叶南风,发现和自己想的不太一样。 万道皆修,妖魔横行。 没办法,先苟着吧。 竟意外绑定【儒道成神】系统。 “叮!您创作一首绝品诗,儒道修为+3年。” “叮!您创作一篇绝品词,奖励《天机宝术》。” “叮!您创作一本小说,奖励儒道至宝一件。” 本想一路苟到最强者的叶南风,偏偏被娘子安排科举,还不小心中了状元。 那日。 女帝登基。 叶南风看着女帝错愕不已。 “这不是我家娘子吗?”死亡也许只是开始 姜清为寻找失踪的父母,来到了这所诡异的博物馆,这里存放着凶案现场的物证,每一件都是一段痛苦的回忆,但也是让这些凶案真相大白的关键。而姜清越是深入越能发觉里面隐藏的秘密……夏魄爆肝一款修仙游戏十五年,通关之时却意外来到游戏的世界,成为了一个家族的杂役。 还好这游戏把通关奖励送给了他,让他得到了长生不死的能力。 在这里付出了十五年青春的他深知这个人心叵测,妖魔横行的世界很危险,于是决定苟起来修炼个几千年再说。 时光流逝的飞快,在熬死了无数强敌之后,他发现自己已经无敌了。当低魔时代遭遇天灾人祸,当混沌神选开始觊觎这个世界,当旧日支配者降临世间,当泰伦虫族迷路至此,当遭受欲望的驱使互相征伐内斗,人类究竟可以坚持多久? 在末世的大框架下,人性的黑暗面暴露无遗,但勇气的赞歌也可以响彻云霄。 一双眼睛,看不清世态炎凉。 一壶浊酒,饮不尽爱恨情仇。 一张笨嘴,道不完沧海桑田。 一曲高歌,唱不清岁月蹉跎。 一段故事,只不过黄粱一梦。 本书所有主人公只是随着事件的推动而依自己的性格进行。他们只是这段历史的见证者,经历者 ,仅此而已。 万物轮回始于本末,功过是非,皆留各位看官评说。 本作不回会去影射现实生活,如有巧合实属雷同。 毕竟历史总是惊人的相似,我们只是历史的见证者。一代修者熊宇穿入木星大陆的崛起历程......本平平无奇,却又历经无数灾变与机缘,只因大道天选。力战仙魔,背后却仍是危机,他,能否护住这世界?天外有天,人外有人,当他立于灵武大陆最尖端时,才晓得,更大的世界在这片湛蓝天空之外……软弱忍让的第一人格和有暴力倾向的第二人格互相转化时会发生什么?南门星域嗜破一念成魔,与兄长反目,掀起了一场持续千年的旷古大战。 天狼星仙域郑仁安奉师命,前往南门取龙神宝鼎,归途中却遭嗜破手下的追杀,逃往地球途中巧遇了姜少典搭救,与姜少典义结金兰,道出龙神宝鼎的秘密。 鬼眼嗜破心有甘心,在地球掀起了一场人、仙、魔族之间的上古大战…… 公元2114年,白翼骋、许晓信组成的高科技考古队机缘巧合下,遇到了地球守护仙人姜集。并在他指导下,成为人类首批超能者。 此时南门星域的大魔王赫努尔野心勃勃,一心想吞并太阳系,成为星际霸主。 可是人类科技与魔族相差甚远,在天狼仙域修炼了六千年的姜少典心急如焚。于是人仙再次结盟,共同对抗强大魔军,一场场星际大战打得如火如荼。 人类培养出大批超能者,终于战胜了不可一世的大魔王……
上海邮票网 猴年邮票 文革邮票 邮票互动网 邮票交易所 邮票图片 南京文交所钱币邮票交易中心 大龙邮票 十二生肖邮票 邮票收藏价格表 中国邮票价格表 南京文交所钱币邮票交易中心 文革邮票 邮票互动网 纪念邮票 奥运邮票 邮票市场 文革邮票 鸡年邮票 邮票 鸡年邮票 民居邮票 奥运邮票 大龙邮票 香港回归纪念邮票 奥运邮票 南京文交所钱币邮票交易中心 邮票行情 龙邮票 女幽灵 百度网盘下载 迅雷下载 第三轮生肖邮票 女幽灵 百度网盘下载 迅雷下载 鸡年邮票 南京文交所钱币邮票交易中心 民居邮票 邮票图片 欧美群迅雷下载 第三轮生肖邮票 邮票网 大龙邮票 第一步者卡师指南都市之云家枭雄人味开局获得俩系统的我压力山大系魂传撩哥撩妹末日樊笼光与暗之绝代天骄鄢国风云志:乾坤剑雨大汉:老子千古一帝我摆烂了信仰:镜城九州战魂影殿实习生名录诡道志异灵神一世我的室友是女装大佬重生之我是大主播我自异世而来亚星官网 亚星游戏官网 亚星官网 亚星官网 亚星官网 亚星游戏官网 亚星官网 亚星官网 亚星游戏官网 亚星游戏官网 亚星官网 亚星官网 亚星官网 亚星官网 亚星游戏官网 皇冠登3出租 薇-電 132-②⑧⑧⑧-8433 皇冠登3出租 薇-電 132-②⑧⑧⑧-8433 【薇-電132-②⑧⑧⑧-8433】皇冠登3出租 【薇-電13228888433】皇冠登3出租 【薇-電1322 8888 433】皇冠登3出租 快链加速器 - 上海曲德曲网络科技有限公司 快链下载 - 上海曲德曲网络科技有限公司 快连VPN - 上海曲德曲网络科技有限公司 快链下载 - 上海曲德曲网络科技有限公司 快链下载 - 上海曲德曲网络科技有限公司 Lets快连 - 上海曲德曲网络科技有限公司 快链加速器 - 上海曲德曲网络科技有限公司 Lets快连 - 上海曲德曲网络科技有限公司 Lets快连 - 上海曲德曲网络科技有限公司 快链下载 - 上海曲德曲网络科技有限公司